Tuesday, May 1, 2012

On Young Missionaires

My Venting On The call of young missionaries. Would it not be better to have young people marry, raise kids, study the word in depth, then go out into the mission field once you are older, wiser and more experience, and with nothing to loose. Then taking a kid 19 year old, who has all of 3 years max of good Christian Education, zero life experiences of faith, try to win the world. Or are we in all agreement that proper education in the Word is of no value for "Saving Souls."

Young Missionaries

My Venting On The call of young missionaries. Would it not be better to have young people marry, raise kids, study the word in depth, then go out into the mission field once you are older, wiser and more experience, and with nothing to loose. Then taking a kid 19 year old, who has all of 3 years max of good Christian Education, zero life experiences of faith, try to win the world. Or are we in all agreement that proper education in the Word is of no value for "Saving Souls."

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Church Of The Siege

I will tell you Something in The Church of the Siege. We don't give respect, we take it. We don't respect title, educational background, the languages you speak. We respect fighters. Jesse Penn Lewis has respect. For after CHRIST established the Church he rebuked Peter. And threw out the gospel, GOD made HIS point against dumbfounded men that wanted a challenge. GOD owns challenges. They are HIS. ADONAI makes them. ADONAI wins them. Praise and glory abound to HIM that dumbfounds the wise, and with rebuke humbles our prides. The ELOHIM of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The Father of our Lord Yeshua HaMassiah.

Women and Preaching On 1 Timothy 2

This is not a commandment. I, Paul, do not permit women to speak. Does Paul say "Thous Say The LORD?" Because women are not as cunning as men. They are more easily deceived. They don't think in abstractions. They are emotional creatures.
Do we submit at all times to the ruling authority? Is that the moral you get from the first part of the book of Daniel? Proverbs are not commandments. Should women submit to physically abusive husbands? How far should we go with this. There is a limit to wisdom, where abides foolishness. Should women remain silent in singing praise to The Glory to Adonai. Give me a couple a more examples where the writer gives his theory, as the reveled word of GOD.
If you are better then Jesse Penn Lewis, who Paul was, then yes. Let no one speak but Paul. And I say if a righteous man, like Paul, were to hit you in the face, it would be a blessing. But I know not Pauls this generation. I know no Jesse Penn Lewises this generation. And I am waiting one something that can reach The War On The Saints. I have not seen it nor hear it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who Am I To Judge, I Will Tell You

By Morgan McGee

I am going to confess something right off the bat. My theory is not water tight, it just better then everyone else that I have heard. To the verse
“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:” Luke 6:37 King James
I quote these verse King James because these verse, in King James, is the most quoted by people with not one spiritual bone in their bone. It is usually followed by some blatantly shameful act that would, so they would escape uneasiness, drop a conviction stalemate. (As an aside, it is odd that the oldest English translation is used.) Next the speakers says. “You don't know me.” That argument is bad because if, I don't know you, you don't know me, then you don't know that I don't know you. Therefore it is possible that I in-fact know you.
But putting this aside. These words Yeshua HaMassiah, glory be the Name, spoke, was not said in a vacuum. Inessential people, who speak in a way in which we should never use our experience, understanding of cultural signaling, is to give everyone license to do what ever they want without the slightest repercussions.
“Yeah, I know this guy that was a millionaire but dressed in shaby clothes.” True enough, but how many penniless beggars are in Armani. “Well people can change.” No one like change. No one like radical change. People make plans. People like security. Plans and radical change do not mix. You build monkey wrenches into the mix. Yes change happens in the world, Praise be to GOD that He can change us. I am not the same guy I was when I was 21. But I share a lot with the guy I was yesterday. We use generalities because there is too much information in the world. We use categories to short innovatory. We don't throw everything in a hemp.
Through out the Bible there is warnings about the company you keep. From mockers, fools and wayward women in Proverbs, to Paul Castigating Peter. The Law itself establishes judges to settle disputes.
Now to the verse itself. We are a boastful creature. We want to glorifies ourselves. This sin that is in the Soul of man does not want to be humble. It wants to put itself above everyone else. In boasting in ourselves we make distinction between us and other people. These Distinctions are works. If it was actual faith we would not boast in it. If you are boasting in it, it is not faith. Sanctification is a process in which the believers is humbles and the high we go the more slippery the trail. Better the person greater the temptation. You may have the will to overcome a lesser man's temptation, but one designed for you always takes GOD.
Perhaps the “Judging” has more to do with us not to glory in works then treating everyone the same and have zero discernment. Maybe it has more to do with Peter not going to the unclean Gentiles, then me not taking a stranger at his word that they will bring my car right back. But then again, who am I to judge.

Friday, December 31, 2010

To Hate The Free Market.

There are people that hate the free market. The question why more people do not hate the free market. Many people love the free market because of what in produces. Which is reason enough to love it. I am not question why people love the Free Market. It is the most democratic process, allowing even the minority to have a choice between produces and firms, even if the minority is out of favor. It also produces a life style unmatched.
But if you look at the Free Market, there is an order. You can not say there is not. It has a rhythm. It deliver on certain expectations. It doesn't not pat itself on the back(we economist have to do that). And it's trajectory is more and more freedom. It is of human action, but not human design. It is created and substantiated by GOD. Yes anything complex man makes will fall in on itself. Complexity means Negative "black Swans."[please see Black Swan by Nassim Taleb]Not only is the market complex, but the more complex it becomes the more stable it becomes, the more innovations it produces.
Many people hate the Free market, it is a wonder of GOD, I am surprise not more people do. Praise be to HIS NAME, glory abundance.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Review 1:High School Confidential

There is a great book out called "High School Confidential" By author Jeremy Iversen. Go look on Youtube for an interview or better yet just read the book. I am going to assume you have aleast read a review of what this book is about.

I am very impressed with this Author. It is both there and not there. Jeremy Iversen is almost a ghost, who can take you threw walls, social circles and into the dirt. First part is like a heist plot then it settles down. The content is rough, but so is high school.
Everyone knows what is wrong and everyone plays their part. It is a machine and Iversen moves you through the working parts as they become self aware, yet are unable to free themselves not because of any physical restraint, although they cite the prison atmosphere of the school, but because they are tragic. They know they are tragic. They know you can't spend 5 hours hating everything, break with groping and sex, and go back to hating everything, and not sound ridiculous when you complain about freedom.
I want to praise the LORD YESHUA HAMASHIACH, not because I am better then these people, but this would be the best the world has to offer and only in HIM is there joy or purpose.